
Well said. I actually didn't continue, but thought I'd check to see if it needed to be watched. Thanks for the update!

FFS I apologized for my weak argument. I shall dare not say anything else critical of this reviewer. I promise. I didn't realize how sensitive his followers are. You like this style of recap more power to you. Everyone is different.

It isn't weird really, just such a strong reminder of the Raymond show. I'll probably get past it in a few episodes.

Ok, I made a shitty argument. My apologies. Does that make his shitty analogy any better?

Did you end up watching more episodes?

Sure they do. Quite a few manage to do it without painfully awful analogies. I'm sure this passes for high-brow analysis in today's academia though.

I'm trying to overlook this…but that voice….

Yes! ^This^

hahah like the first 4-5 paragraphs of your review?

No doubt. That was the only thing that sucked!

Thought about Ziggy too! Costumes seemed more early 70's to me though. Could be a regional thing though. Kirsten is going to be fine. I agree. Same with Dason.

Can't be this god awful week after week. pmsl @ litcrit humanities graduate!

Yeah, the waiting for Reagan thing felt totally shoehorned. Outside of that it was pretty solid I think.

"Americans in 1979 were something like the crew of Massacre At Sioux Falls, who similarly anticipate the arrival of Ronald Reagan."

Yes, its pretty damn good!

yeah, I made it through the first episode. Wasn't too bad. Could be something here. Going to give it a few more eps due to Stonebridge as well.

watched the first episode just now. not bad at all.

yeah, trying to find somewhere to watch it now. looks interesting.

That's a pretty good trilogy you got going there

yeah Last Ship was good season one. You telling me season two was good as well? Damn I'll have to go watch it now!