
well what did you think of Justified?

Wow 54 comments for a show this great. Unreal!

I just think its a wannabe "prestige comedy" and tries too hard like Girls, 30 Rock and recent seasons of Modern Family. Its cool if you like it though.

buy you a beer mr. warner. well said.

mine too…….

the other show Betas on Amazon was so much better than this.

what a tool lolol!!!!

me neither!

yeah, the second episode was a little better. I expect it to get a little more groovy each week.

Tina Fey style smug ass I'm smarter than you comedy has run its course. This will fail so hard. Trust me.

Trying to find the article you are talking about. Was it in the NYT or the New Yorker?

Good riddance. What a tool.

I dunno, last season was pretty good. This first episode was unbearable. All of the acting felt forced and there was way too much shaky cam. D+ for this one.

just catching up on this show…..hope to never read another "social rules of the white male establishment" in these reviews going forward. Thank you.