FREEZE! Agent Michael Scarn, FBI!
FREEZE! Agent Michael Scarn, FBI!
I say the same thing to my girlfriend every time I see her.
She also watches dirty dancing non-stop in the pilot, in order to get over her ex. She does the same thing when her and Nick break up in season 3, and Nick calls her from his room to check on her.
Cece was pretty freaked out when she learned the odds of her having kids was almost nil at the beginning of the show. I don't think it's out of the ordinary that they wouldn't tell anyone — if the odds aren't good, why get everyone's hopes up?
What scene was that? JD and Elliot get together at a coffee shop, and Turk and JD reunite after Turk's honeymoon in a hallway.
Even a knee high hedge is more frightening — You're less likely to see the turns at dusk and might accidentally trip.
Considering that Rainn Wilson was in Galaxy Quest, it's pretty much a requirement here.
I was going to be miffed if no one else in the comments clicked on this article hoping he'd be Lahnk. (edit: corrected his character name)
You mean "What does it mean to be a hero?" — A 3rd grade essay by Karen and Marvel Screenwriters
I think he was firmly booted off the MCU after his SHIELD debacle last year. Thank god. I much prefer Siede's stuff, even if we have a few differing opinions. At least we're on the same page as far as script and action pieces go.
Based on the lack of replies and upvotes, I'm gonna go ahead and guess "yes"
The trick is that she wasn't acting. She was just legitimately horrified as a person.
Scrolling down after the opening paragraphs just to vent that the claim of Face/Off being Woo's only big american action film without acknowledging MI:2 is just patently absurd. Almost as absurd as saying Jon Woo was actually a good director. (Both films, by the way, had doves flying around during action scenes.)
I thought he lost his ability to grow large after spilling that hot coffee on his lap?
There are dozens of us! DOZENS!!!!
Average standards for an average internet. I like your style!
Sounds like a lot of hate you got there. Would be a shame if it led to your suffering.
My friends and I always called it "A New Hope" long before Episode 1: The JarJar Menace came out. But we may have also been at that absolute perfect age to do so — I was born around the same time they all came out on VHS, so the original box set was all I knew. Then the Special Editions came out in theaters when I…
Well at least you remember me in the Cushing mask.