
The re 2 things that bugs me about Dark Souls, the terrible stockpile system (I miss stockpile Tom...), and the co-op, I really want to play with friends but its so hard to connect to each other in Dark than in Demon :x That and invasion spams(where they are connecting but failed so your access to certain locations

Forever Garrus <3

Makes me wonder how the heck people back then gets off on those scary graphics...

Oh yes! That's part of it too! It's like they filmed it with a home camera or something :x Man... I use to live by chinese dramas... Now I can only nitpick at how silly it is all the time :(

I can't seem to take Chinese drama seriously anymore, no matter how epic serious it is... It just dosnt seem to work for me cause tof the quality of the shows... They're more like... soap operas XD;

Oh my god! I forgot this game existed in my library! There have been too many new releases this past month and the 'disaster' certainly didnt help...

If there was a thumbs up option here, I would like to give you one. I loved the manga and I never knew I can read the novel, much obliged!

My sentiments exactly, I always love reading the asian side of Kotaku~<3 Thx Brian for all these interesting articles!

The banning of cosplay?? Sheesh, this is getting ridiculous....

Uggg, the last time I visited mainland China, I got traveller's bad tummy, heat stroke, and could barely breath. The moment I step foot out of Mainland China and to Hong Kong, the air(that is not so bad) cured(?) me..... Makes me look like a spoiled weak foreigner when I'm Chinese! X_x

Phantom Bullet is certainly the arc I enjoyed most, so I cannot wait until season 2 to announced. But I think they are waiting for the Alicixation arc to finish if they are doing the whole 1 season 2 arc thing.

I can't help but imagine him as Kiryuu doing some epic fight to escape his assasination.

*sigh* I really enjoyed the novel and the manga, the anime could really do without the fan service, made it very awkward at times and the supposed loving relationship between the characters platonic.

I've had pudding through a vending machine though, so we're getting close~

lol, at work and trying hard not to laugh out loud is hard... this is the best day to be on the internet

lol, the Bomberman group is epic XD