
A bootlicker.

Commit suicide. 

Cool story, taxidiot1976

Online, ever-changing games like this are less like cars and more like big old boats, or what I imagine boats to be like—too big to notice tiny changes in until you become deeply familiar with the bones of the thing. Massive shifts appear, to the naked eye, to not be happening at all.

It’s cool they don’t understand how pledging not to take corporate or billionaire donations affects fundraising.

“Enjoy Young Sheldon”

Would really like to know if sparrows are available sooner.


“To put it another way, it’s like a bed of nails. If you have 900 sticking up you can lie down on it safely and not worry. If you have one then you’re fucked.”

The whole Jedi academy arc and the Kevin J Anderson books would’ve been a ripe springboard for the logical next chapter. But no, they wanted to wear the original’s skin around like Leatherface.

Henrik Ibsen was a tough dude! Eat all your greens!

Look! Over there! It’s Mueller!

I’m sorry for whoever hurt you. I’ll pray you find peace somehow.

She’d probably rather be focusing on “the green dream or whatever.”

This is a good response and nothing further could be added beyond "well put."

If if if...

Democrats look at the billboards in They Live and think “well why’d the aliens have to hide such effective messaging”

I just assumed the US supporting MBS was to make up for being very disrespectful to George III a while back.

Glances at CFPB...