
We need a leader who will let the opposition set the terms of the conversation and occasionally give them standing ovations as they pander to their insane base. 

If there’s a silver lining to her hiring Clinton’s team it’ll be the vaudeville slapstick level of incompetence for our entertainment.

Its misogynist to not support the carceral state 110%

Being a police officer also means accepting your head will assume the shape of a thumb and take on a bright red hue.

Ah, the Democrats' slogan from the past 3 decades. Still gives me chills of inspiration. 

The first generation to be aggressively marketed to from cradle to the grave. Suburbs, cars, and Elvis movies to gold buying scams. 

“we” will grind you

Enlist, coward. 


Lol tRump is gonna be running scared cause its MUELLER time

Well there's no way Steve King could be just a basic racist. Personally I blame the slavic people. 

Cantalopes are a fruit that exists and can be referenced to. 

This is the correct and best take. 

The collective erect dick anytime the war drums start up.

I just wish they’d buy a plane ticket and go do it themselves rather than rely on the government for everything. 

To the gray beneath, the US is allied with Saudi Arabi, which, yes, slaughters innocents en masse. That the US is acting for humanitarian reasons is such a fucking joke.

Swear to god we could end all wars if anyone who supported US regime change had to join in. Goodbye, armchair generals. 

Then pick up a gun and join them, chickenhawk 

Hoping it becomes more palatable to solo once it’s condensed. I’m around level 36 and grinding fetch quests in the dark snowy area for an eternity.

Ay I'm walking ere pal