
Biden’s track record of doing right wing sh*t? Now that’s the liberalism we need. 

Guys, it’s time to face some hard truths and realize that half of all self described centrists will need to board the rocket along with all the conservatives which we will fire out into sun. I of course proposed a ballot system where they can self-determine which among them is to face this singular solar solution.

“hard truths” are mouth noises that come from people who still think Obama is a communist

*misses a turn*

“That's a shake. That's milk and ice cream.. that's 5 dollars? You don't put acid in it or nothin?"

Picking on Hollow Knight's aesthetic is a pretty odd move. 


Yeah giving money to private insurers with a thin promise that maybe they'll consider not dropping coverage is so brave.

Lots of well-off people going to be playing the shut up and vote angle again but personally I’ll be shaming people who don’t vote for me.

Condolences on your having been on a coma for the past 50 years.

It’s the voters fault. Not the billion dollar apparatus tasked with nominating candidates who can win.

It's so cool when Pelosi says we need to be reasonable and come together with the fascists to achieve bipartisanship.

Looking forward to 8 years of liberals criticizing president Sanders like “where’d you leave your comb, president Doc Brown, sir? In your tax returns??”

I like when they call him St Bernard. They're like children in the backseat making fussy names for their parents because they won't drive to Disneyland

Well see we have to work with republicans to get their agenda passed or else they’ll point at us and say “socialism”


Maybe there’s something to all the trump tax return stuff after all. Once they find out he’s actually poor, then they'll throw the book at him. 

All gonna hinge on wrestling those people down to the floor during the primary. If Biden gets the nomination, then the general has already been decided.

What an alarming number of too-well-off or just too-young people don’t get is Sanders *is* the compromise. Biden’s out their promising to do conservative sh*t once he’s in office and middle class people are promising to go back to sleep or brunch once trump is gone and that’s horrific for a lot of people.

The real problems are... powerless people who were hurting well before 2016 and for whom a “return” to that era isn’t a valid option.