Years ago I put off playing the first one since I assumed it was Japanese GTA. It's not, and it was more delightful than I anticipated. More what Shenmue was tryingto be all along. And some of the best acting in any series.
Years ago I put off playing the first one since I assumed it was Japanese GTA. It's not, and it was more delightful than I anticipated. More what Shenmue was tryingto be all along. And some of the best acting in any series.
Just got a Pro this year too, but my ps4 with PT on it was stolen back in 2016. Gone forever:(
Gah. Same. Or a surprise switch port. Covenant was so good.
One of the funniest political realities is the aftermath of decades of right wing characterizations of people like Nancy Pelosi and The Clintons as far left commies.
Feel like matador could be equally as iconic.
Wait, Jack Frost for Smash is such a good idea. Especially with SMTV being a Switch exclusive.
Ditto for Malazan book of the Fallen. It’s pretty much perfect
Takes me back to a thing I liked 10 years ago
If you have a ps4, make it yakuza 0. If you have a ps3, either 3 or 5 is a great start. Plus 3 recaps the plot of 1 and 2 in handy videos.
I generally don’t dig rouguelikes but for some reason BoIR comes together nicely for me.
Just the simplest and best stealth mechanic ever. Sounds and light. Focus on listening.
Solid list to which I’ll add Thief 2 and Binding of Isaac Rebirth. Small games that I always come back to. Also pretty sure at all times these last 5 years I’ve had at least one Shadowrun game on the SSD.
I thought the ad that autoplays on HBO for season 2 of westworld was an insurance commercial at first.
Yo I’m starting it and pretty much loving it. Re: your experience with the story, would you say there at least some legit good parts? My one gripe so far is some of the intra party conversations feel a bit unnatural. Otherwise, damn fine game.
i74790 and a gtx 1070 and I can run at highest and 60fps on my office-appropriate 768x1366 tv
Naw I’m just wondering how you’re figuring that. I liked Syndicate quite a bit. Thought the grappling hook made things more dynamic and fun. Granted I haven’t played Unity in years but I remember it feeling like it was always forcing you down one path, even moreso than the series is known to do. And the combat to me…
And it was so bland.
This but for assassin’s creed unity. Could actually make that game worthwhile.
Loved the design but thought the UI was traumatizing.
As a PC player who is waiting until a few months from now to finally play FFXV, all this talk about deactivated content is kind of a bummer.