
Many people are never ever going to consider games art, and changing that should not be one’s life goal. We especially do not need some biased, politically-loaded American “gaming” “journalism” site to be the torch bearer and representative of us gamers and game devs alike.

Throughout my entire history of gaming for the past 25 or so years, we only needed that first “part”. 

Medieval eastern Europe being all white is now racist?

Next Stop:

The day the AMERICAN bigots like you start to tell the native Europeans how their country’s history was is a sad day indeed.

Why are you Americans such bigoted racists towards native Europeans?

You bigots just can’t drop that SJW crap, can you?

American game “journalism” in 2018:

Sexualization =/= objectification.

Because every single video game needs to represent and replicate reality with 1:1 accuracy, while preferably appealing to the twisted, American SJW propaganda, that states that every female needs to be ugly and coated from head to toe like it’d be 1399 again?

...yes, that’s exactly “sexual objectification”.

My sweet summer child... you’ve clearly never ever played Metal Gear Solid games.

I don’t quite understand this site’s authors’ double standards.

Playing the apologist is not going to help here, Nick.

...why the hell are you people that pathetically insecure and insulting?

Thank you for your science lessons without any sources.

Sorry, but she was just being a dismissive, condescending bitch now, denying facts and insulting those who dare to state them out loud.

...you did not just say that?

Objectified this and that.

...”best upgrade for your computer” ?

...”best upgrade for your computer” ?