>using le meme arrows outside of /v/
>using le meme arrows outside of /v/
I've played them all as well. Heck, I STARTED with Twin Snakes.
The ACTING and script were far inferior in TTS, it's like they LITERALLY translated some shit from the original japanese script this time around, like the Otacons:
Twin Snakes sucks ass in just about every single way compared to original MGS.
no ORIGINAL MGS1 = fucking huge hole in your collection.
Oh, I forgot to comment on one thing:
I can't say if S;G can be called "the best thing ever" in any category (maybe the best adaptation of these "science"-show VNs), but it certainly was a nice, positive surprise. The visual style is mostly great, and the plot is interesting (if not totally ridiculous at times, but hey: it's time traveling!). The MC is…
nah, that is Link's Awakening DX.
TP? Dark and moody?? Good in just about any level???
Problem with PS1 games and emulating them at higher quality is the lacking of three nowadays very standard visual techs: Z-Buffer, Perspective-Correction, and very poor Sub-pixel accuracy.
I disagree about PS1 and N64 being trash, or not having anything to nostalgia over. My whole childhood is the evidence. And I know I'm not alone.
Loading times depend mostly on the MEDIA the game is stored in.
..."and the final game looked nothing like the early bullshots"
...now, how the hell do I input this if I have it for the PC but don't be a mentally disabled and use a fucking controller??
I fucking hate everything about this. Seriously.
"Whatever this is" ...??
You could sell that "thing" to some foolish Apple-fanatic, and use the money to purchase a proper Windows laptop that'd run the game just fine.
No, you're not alone. I too preferred the first game greatly over TW2.
Dunno where you've gottan THAT "general consensus", but it's just wrong.
It's a GREAT game. I enjoyed FAR more than TW2.