
X-Men the arcade game and Wrestlefest.

There was this kid at school who was always telling me about all these games he was playing that hadn't even come close to release yet. Somehow, he got a copy early though. I remember one time he told me he was playing 'Link to the Past' about a year before it was released. I can't believe how dopey I was to have

It looks like two feds about to escourt Kojima off stage.

I was blown away when I saw 'Meadow Hills' in Dukes- I live in the real life version! This game is beyond awesome.

How long have you got? Right off the top of my head I'd say Contra: Hard Corps, Ghosts n Goblins, Ninja Turtles (NES), Ninja Gaiden (Xbox), and of course the oft mentioned Battletoads. I still have little pangs of suicide when i think about that one.