
Meanwhile... Saved by The Bells Dustin Diamond is nowhere to be seen in the time where he could be the Worlds next hero

Seeing as we haven’t discovered all the species of living animals yet, then I’d be very surprised if we managed to discover all extinct ones of any time period.

“IF instant death, THEN don’t” is always a sound philosophy.

Impressive. But the best part of this video is the brofessional announcers rattling off absurd trick names for every single move.

Bones are not just bone; the marrow on the inside is important. and delicious... wait, what?

That’s not the only strange thing from this event today.

For the box that said, type five random words, I typed “five random words”.

When he said to type “cat”, I’m curious how many people typed “cat” with the quotes, just to be a dick.

What usain’ here is a bit insensitive!

If your partner also has a penis, you’re not straight.

“Swastik Kar”? Please tell me that’s a fake name.

I must have missed that one. Thanks for the info (and not being an ass about it.)

I’ve read in other source it was 1500 meters, which is right?

edit: nevermind, decided not to be a cunt.

“....and Internet Explorer seems particularly problematic..”

It’s flexible, def closer to rubber.

Without even reading the article, i’m going to say the rockets keep crash landing because it’s never been done before. Ever. Even if it takes them 100 tries to get it right. That’s better than... ANYONE! Than anyone people! Think about that! Anyone!

This guy I seriously an inspiration. Not only has he re-invigorated the U.S. Concerning electric vehicles, which should be a no-brainier, he is almost single-handedley furthering space exploration for our entire species. That is an amazing line on any persons resume, living or dead.

You could thank God or you could thank all of the brilliant scientists and engineers that created and perfected seat belts, airbags and car safety.