
A protest vote only serves to make you feel better. It has the effect of helping the candidate of the opposite party win . A write in is not even tallied in the final vote. Neither the Dem nor the Rep party care about your vote after it is cast for a third party. If you really care about issues that might be decided

Yes, in San Diego I have seem them out in the wild. They are referred to as a “skinny b!+ch”, and no Im not making that up as a commentary on the article.

Quick question: Did Fallout always have the Bob Dobbs style integrated into the game? I ask the question because I feel that between the Fallout and Bioshock games there is a lot of overlap in tone. Not saying that one copied the other, just that it’s not as fresh with both these series in market.

Now playing

Not my favorite of Guy Ritchie’s movies, but I enjoyed this scene quite a bit:

Interested in your take on the following:

I agree. I lost about 15 hours in Mordor before I realized that there were story missions to accomplish!

Lets be real here: There are very few video game genres that actually are good, and they often do not translate well to superhero antics. They are: