Hellraiser over Prom Night is ludicrous when you consider that Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II exists, but okay.
Hellraiser over Prom Night is ludicrous when you consider that Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II exists, but okay.
Best. Disney. Princess. Ever
So many people run to defend Chappelle. He’s a rich dude that doesn’t give a shit about you and would absolutely never run to your defense.
I love RenFaires. It’s been years since I’ve been to one. And I’m glad you had a good time.
Yeah, I hate how reductive the takes about Nicholson’s win have been. She was a surprise, and a DESERVING one!! Her performance was a tour-de-force that was naturalistic and not flashy, that’s both commendable and almost never gets recognized!
I personally finish every game I start even if I hate it because I don’t want to be considered a wimp by someone who didn’t think things through very well. I also wake up every day wishing I was dead
What? Sorry, Myles. I disagree. This was a solid B+.
First time, long time here, calling to see if I’m the only one here, but I’m genuinely perplexed by this reviewer. I am rather convinced that we’re watching two different shows.
Wowe, someone took the article personally
No there isn’t. Good, bad and mediocre music and everything in between exist all across the popularity spectrum. It’s just that very popular bad music gets a lot more exposure than less popular bad music. And you will hear about less popular bad music a lot less than you will less popular good music.
I find it kind of funny
To all of the “A cop smiled at me one time therefore systemic police brutality doesn’t exist” crowd you can save you faux outrage over the title. Yes, ACAB. No, we don’t need to have personal interractions with every cop in existence to know this. The institution of Police exists from top to bottom to enforce the will…
I haven’t seen anything yet that’s convinced me I need a new gen console, which is convenient for me, since I couldn’t get one if I wanted one anyway.
They are always calling out progressive people for not having a spine. We started calling out people for literally funding our misery. I’m over it. He’s rich and he’ll be alright. Maybe he can write a book about it and go on FOX. If he wanted to avoid politics he wouldn’t donate to politicians. If someone calls me out…
Scott, bro, you don’t have to retire. You can just *own* this if you want. Just straight up be like “yes, I love my LGBTQ audience, and I am also sending money directly to politicians who will use said money and their positions of power to reduce this audience to second class citizens in a best case scenario.”
Oh, come on. Janet was only with the band for - checks notes - 23 of the 25 years of the band’s existence. Why, that’s barely a blip on the band’s history!
The funny thing is, Lifehacker itself has written about how straight up horrible unnecessary slideshows are and provided some ways of getting around them:
I read her article from yesterday and today and she's more level-headed than that sports equivalent to meat wad.
I guess this Great Value Jason Whitlock over on Deadspin won’t have another middle school hot take about it