
It’s best not to anthropomorphize politicians.

Just saw it, it’s definitely #2 in the DCEU, might be #1.

This maybe me laugh so hard I woke my husband. Thank you kindly!

Pronzini also admitted, in an introduction, that the Nameless Detective also had a last name : Pronzini. Which as he said “is an ok name for a writer but a LOUSY name for a private eye.”

The last time a Jet injured a Pat, it was Mo Lewis taking out Drew Bledsoe, and that gave the world Tom Brady. I hate to think what kind of phoenix-like monster will arise from Pat Patriot.

I think you’re right that seating arrangements are the most misunderstood bit of restaurants. Whether it’s not seating incomplete parties, not giving people larger tables, not pushing tables together, or making people wait when there are seemingly empty tables. Or even just what the host does, and what they’re there

There wasn’t even anything of substance. If they’d have said, “Watch for the triple whatever whatever in this next jump” it might not have been so obnoxious.

Surprised Ben didn’t just go in anyway. He seems the type of guy to do that.

I have no idea.

It’s great that Christian Hackenberg gets to be a second round bust in two leagues. 

Author’s auspicious alliteration alights on audience. 

Yeah, but if you are trying to make the Bad Place look like the Good Place, you have “Lil’ Sebastian” there. It’s not the real Lil’ Sebastian of course. He’s in the Good Place.

When reached for comment Brian Kemp confirmed he has opened an investigation into the Democratic Party of Georgia to get to the bottom of this.

It’s astounding to me how these nerds are screaming themselves into rage-comas because a phone toy isn’t directly marketed to them.

Holy shit, Gamers are trash.  Just don’t play it if you’re that mad.  Christ...

If nothing else, the variation on Spider-Man’s ‘bike messenger’ bit was amusing.

his “dumb comments” are better than you guys continuing to blatantly ignore this and hope people stop noticing 

Tannehill should have been listed as “limited.”

I’m not sure when that part of David’s Hulk run went from beloved to sneered at but it still holds up. The social issues (AIDS, homosexuality, paramilitary intervention in civil conflicts) are often awkwardly addressed but they’re still there and on the forefront of a well-selling mainstream comic in the early 90s.

I clicked on the link just to see how long the first sentence/paragraph of the article would be. 56 words. That’s gotta be some kind of record.