
Before jumping to such conclusions, it might behoove to consider this from the Youtuber’s point of view: Nintendo is extremely well known for being entirely hostile to anything like this and so perhaps the Youtuber was simply worried that Nintendo may sooner or later decide to nuke his channel entirely. He might have

What sort of deep-fried fricking idiocy is this article?! You’re seriously trying to use literally anything as an excuse to decry how black women get treated and you’re trying to insinuate that this is about Heard’s gender and not about her lying through her teeth?

Pixel graphics? Nope, not going to even read the description; to trash it goes.

I was going to make a comment about Arkham Asylum as well. I feel it’s the best game in the series specifically because it is a tighter experience; it manages to keep all the strings straight throughout the game and doesn’t try to make you run around on time-wasting errands.

Next time you’re at the grocery store, try showing a woman your face. Be confident, unafraid of the LIES — you might get a girlfriend. Women like confidence. Women don’t like dudes who cover their faces in fear.

But if you’re playing online, you can be invaded by other players, can’t you? I am interested in Elden Ring, but I have literally *ZERO* interest in any PvP-element, whatsoever. In fact, I am vehemently against such.

As the wife of a short man, I do take offense at such idiocy.

I noticed that same thing almost immediately after that. I would get recommendations for Sterling all the time before the reveal, but then afterwards I barely see one recommendation a month. The difference was stark enough that I couldn’t help but notice.

I’m one of the people for whom achievements are actually more of a negative than anything positive. Achievement-notifications are distracting, they take my attention away from the actual content, and the vast, VAST majority of achievements in modern games are ones that you literally cannot avoid getting anyway, so

Techland did a sneaky and added Denuvo right before launch, rendering any and all performance-aspects of already-released reviews null and void. The game apparently runs like shit now, even on absolute monster PCs. It also seems to have gotten a lot buggier with Denuvo as well!

Ah, I have no art on the walls at all, I have grubby baseboards and worn-out, ugly carpets, no books, tons of clutter, visible cords, a few visible swords, I have zero idea what “concept of scale” even means and I care absolutely not one whit about how it’d look like in someone else’s eyes.

“girls don’t even feel good when they have sex.”

Not exactly lost, but I feel like knowing the background-story gives some nice context to reflect on and compare Kratos’s journey to his son’s journey. It’s not exactly crucial, no, as the game is still fully complete and enjoyable all by its lonesome self, but you might want to at least read a quick summary of

I just finished the game and the only issue I encountered was that it’s quite obvious the game is a console-port as the KB+M controls are, at times, a tad suboptimal, like e.g. in some of the harder fights it can quickly feel like you need about 10 fingers more to be able to press everything that you need when you

Well, they’re learning a $3M lesson about what NFTs actually are and what they aren’t. That’s a pretty expensive lesson.

“I am partnering with the unfollow button”

If all that extra content is just filler, then 500 hours of filler content is the opposite of something to brag about. If it was actually meaningful content, sure, that’d be nice, but something in my gut says about 430 hours (or slightly more) of the 500 is some stupidly basic filler that’s not worth paying even a

1.) You don’t need NFTs to earn money from the content you’ve made.

The sad thing is, as all the nickel-and-diming schemes get worse and worse as years go by, I’ll have fewer and fewer games that I’ll be willing to buy. I don’t want to support this kind of crap, so that’ll rule out more and more of any new AAA/AAAA/AAAAA*whatevs titles. At the same time, I find the vast majority of

While I am in rant-mode, this Kinja fucking sucks. Jesus Christ it sucks so bad. I also don’t understand why my comments are always grey, which means 99.9% of them never get approved.