
The National Anthem is bad, but even worse is the post-9/11 tradition of treating God Bless America like a sacred hymn. It’s a terrible song, and I don’t want to spend the 7th inning stretch pretending it’s National Anthem just because half this country wants to fuck the Betsy Ross flag

Unfortunately, if we had policies like that in the US, we might end up with fewer billionaires. That’s just not a risk I’m willing to take. You start with something small like mandated maternity / paternity leave and then wages? universal healthcare? universal basic income? Is that the sort of society

I was shocked at how much I didn’t hate them. The pickle / vinegar tang is a nice touch

Golden Flake is under the Utz umbrella, although I don’t know how available these are outside of the deep south. But in my opinion, they take the crown for best barbecue chip

Oh for sure. I only drink LaCroix brand because it’s in the fridge at work. But I’m not in a traditional seltzer drinking area (I don’t think our local grocery store even carries Polar), and LaCroix ends up just being short hand for seltzer. If I’m buying, it almost always ends up being the Kroger brand, which I tend

I usually want something that’s fizzy but not sweet. I’m not saying everyone has to like LaCroix, but I don’t think they’re inexplicably popular.

My Forester has been super reliable*

Very cool that this 2 year old somehow ended up being at the top of The Takeout. KINJA’D!

Honestly, just drop your bag into another bucket and add some cold (campden treated) water and do a dunk sparge. This extra water will help wash off some sugars and cool the mash bag down enough that you can squeeze it without burning yourself. Dump the sparge water into your pot and then boil. Also check your grain

I’m pretty uncomfortable with the amount of data Google has access to through Chrome. Firefox isn’t light years ahead of the competition like in IE6 days, but it’s still a very good browser

My high school was next to a switching station. Hitting the train in the morning was like a magical get out of jail class card. Turn around, get some breakfast, and roll into class 25 minutes late with no questions asked. “Sorry. Train.”

It probably doesn’t work the same with a real job that has real consequences

They should print that on our money

We us our grill a lot, but it’s been awhile since I’ve been to / hosted a true cookout. The regional differences are (as always) interesting, and as someone from the deep south, I do have a few suggestions:

1) Conecuh sausage - I’m not sure if this specific brand is available outside of the deep south, but I cannot

As someone else mentioned, this is only a story because these sorts of incidents are incredibly uncommon. The trail will occasionally attract a few less-than-stable people, but they don’t usually last long in the woods. It turns out, hiking the AT is actually very difficult and not conducive to someone struggling with

Plus, you can’t shove kids into 3 per a seat to save money

Follow up on this:

My wife had an ectopic pregnancy earlier this year. I don’t know if that qualifies as a miscarriage (no one in the hospital ever used that term and we’ve struggled with exactly what to call it). The OBGYN told us multiple times that there was no heartbeat - presumably because we are in the deep south and he wanted to

lol. but really, what is a carriage return?

Outside of brand perception, every time I see the Kia badge, I think about how desperately they need a new logo. The KIA oval seems disproportionately large on most of the vehicles and feels very out of place on the Stinger (which, otherwise, I think is a great looking car). The Korean logo (not the 3.0 logo, which

Woke: using Do Not Disturb after 10
Bespoke: using Do Not Disturb all of the time