
Individually, it may be easier to get around a group of 3, but that also means getting around 5 groups instead of 1. Plus, big groups are more likely to be seen

I used to ride on the road a lot, although I much prefer mountain or gravel riding now. My dad still road bikes semi-regularly, and last year their entire group of about 15 people were pulled over for “impeding traffic” riding single file up a hill out of town. The cop told them to split up into groups of 3 and spread

Chopped carbon is definitely a different story, especially if it’s a thermoplastic instead of a thermoset. But that’s trading stiffness and ult. strength for toughness. A lot of people here seem to think carbon is magical answer for all three.

Given the cycle times required for the Automotive industry, this wouldn’t surprise me at all.

This is extreme simplification of carbon properties. Uni carbon is incredibly stiff and strong, but only in the fiber direction, and particularly in tension. It’s nearly as good in compression or shear loading. And I really don’t care about fiber stiffness in a truck bed as much as I care about toughness. The distance

If what you say is true, the Shaolin and Wu-Tang could be dangerous.

Depression and anxiety are scary. But those people in your life - your wife, and friends and family - love you for who you are. You are so much more than the sum of your accomplishments and failures.  

I was fortunate that my parents could figure out something wasn’t right and push me to getting help. It was hard and

I agree on the Taco suggestion, but I don’t really see the necessity in a second car with it though. The Tacomas I’ve ridden have been plenty comfortable.

I can only speak to my experience: we bank mainly with USAA, and I was able to get my credit card with them. That means that every time I check my bank account, I can see (and quickly pay) my credit card balance. I pay off the credit card every month, and will typically pay off big purchases (new couch, flights, etc)

did I sleep for 2 hours or 14 hours?

The nice thing about single issue voters is that you can hold them hostage, no matter how bad of a candidate you roll out. But I’m holding out hope - I see so many more yard signs for Jones than Moore, and I get the feeling that there are a lot of the Dems and moderates who typically sit out midterms will go vote for

Did that the first time I changed the oil on my Subaru. “huh. this oil pan sits pretty far back.” <completely ignores the transmission sitting right on top of said pan>

A few days late, but absolutely squeeze the bag. Tannin extraction is due to pH issues, not over-extraction due to squeezing. My preferred method is a dunk sparge in cold water followed by squeezing the bag. I tend to get somewhere between 68-72% efficiency. If you still have efficiency issues, make sure your grain is

I tend to find EmergenC is effective when I start feeling sick, but I also assume it’s a combination of increased hydration and the placebo effect. And of course, this is a anecdote, not data - who knows how the cold would have progressed without a supplement.

please don’t subtweet me

Related to the MJ article, HuffPo published an article “What Bullets Do To Bodies”

GSMNP is free, but I believe that’s the only one. While it’s the “most visited” park, I believe that includes drivers passing through on Newfound Gap road . For whatever reason, it doesn’t seem as crowded as other parks. My wife and I were in Acadia last summer, and the crowds were bad enough that the park was

I’ve literally hiked the entire east coast and there is zero reason to carry a gun in the woods unless you are hunting. If you are considered about wildlife, bear spray is incredibly effective and cannot result in an accidental shooting. If you want additional safety, carry a SPOT beacon.


I had one day on the AT where I didn’t see a single person. 3 nights where I slept alone. And except for the beginning where the trail was so crowded, it was pretty easy to know the people around you.

The two people I know on the PCT this year didn’t see her. Both guys are very social and both finished and started