
As a Christian (although granted, on the more liberal / progressive side of theology), nothing quite bothers me like “taking a stand for Christ.” There’s a lot of arrogance in that statement - namely the idea that God is so downtrodden that you need to take a stand, but also in the lack of awareness that 21st century

2 gallons is glorious. 15-20 bottles, and I can do it on the stovetop. Someone is making some nice 2.5 gallon fermenters as well now - I may have to pick one up soon.

I'll have to keep an eye for that one. Spiced ales are hit or miss for me, but I'd never turn down a really well made one. Just depends if we can get that down in Georgia.

No spices in Celebration, although you’re right, it could get interesting. Maybe a bad example to pick.

I paid $2.99 for an “expired” 6 pack of 312 pale once. It was good. I’d pass over 6 month old Celebration for something fresher at the same price, but I’ll pay $2.99 for a six pack of almost anything.

As a fellow small apartment homebrewer, my advice is generally to go straight for the brew in a bag route and stick to ~2-2.5 gallon batches. That seems to be about the magical number for me to easily do on my stove. I’m also not a good enough brewer to want 5 gallons of anything I’m making. I don’t think BIAB is much

shit I’ve got to bottle an IPA this week.

ah shit

A few years ago I was hiking the Appalachian Trail and saw a full supercar club pull up.

That’s gross. Trim your fingernails.

Also hard: getting a job in your small college town while everyone else moves away. I genuinely believe that my fiance, our 2 friends, and I are the entirety of the 20-something post grads in this town (this isn’t entirely true but does bring about another point: I know other people that live here, but moving from

I agree! all we have to do is frack for natural gas, then use energy to heat up a bunch of water, and boom! free hydrogen (and CO2).

Hydrogen is really cool because we make by steam reformation of methane.

I listened to This American Life this morning too!

On the stand there are a couple of buttons. I think it’s the back left. Hit it 4 times to knock the brightness down to the minimum. I agree, it’s a very bright time display.

On the stand there are a couple of buttons. I think it’s the back left. Hit it 4 times to knock the brightness down

You should go ahead and buy it. It’s literally (and I actually don’t mean figuratively) one of the best purchases I’ve ever made. My fiance wake up about 30 minutes before I do, and normally wakes up before the sound even goes off. Your wife may find this to be the case as well.

You should go ahead and buy it. It’s literally (and I actually don’t mean figuratively) one of the best purchases

I’m a fan of both. The biggest thing with a French Press is a good grinder (which is, you know, the secret to all good coffee), which unfortunately I’m too poor to buy right now. A blade grinder = lots of dust, which turns those last sips into a bitter, gritty mess, which leads me to an Aeropress most mornings.

I’m a fan of both. The biggest thing with a French Press is a good grinder (which is, you know, the secret to all

I immediately knew they were all little shits by the portrait video.

I'll blame my bad shoulders on my dad just being too fun.