I don’t care about your politics. +1 for a Harold Miner reference.
Look, I get that you can’t bail on jury duty. Seems like an innocent enough mistake where he made the boneheaded decision to not check in. Give the man a bunch of community service and let the charges go away. Why is this hard?
LOL. My mind went right to the same place.
I mean, I’d be infuriated if I was slapped and knocked down with my little toddler. Particularly if they hurt my kid.
This accusation is just bizarre. How did you arrive at me desiring to be rid of gross poors and minorities? I hope that those communities ultimately benefit from the changes that Pete tried to institute in his city. Vacant homes bring crime, people in these communities benefit from less crime. It seems reasonable that…
When people say “gaslighting”, I usually put on a serious face and nod solemnly to act like I understand what they’re talking about.
I think that’s a little oversimplification. We don’t churn out thousands of Rhodes Scholars. I get and acknowledge that the path of Harvard / Military / Consulting etc is the standard path to public office, but it’s still an accomplished path that seemingly, in this case, was earned by a rather gifted person as…
LOL at mediocrity. Nothing about Pete is mediocre, except that his politics aren’t as EXXXTREME! as you’d like them to be.
I’ve heard of no less than three instances in the past couple of years of people my wife knows that this has happened to. They show up at the hospital, they say that something is wrong/something is happening to them with the baby, and the nurses don’t believe them. They chalk it up to hysterics and the women get sent…
Nice pull.
Holy shit. On one hand, I’m sorry to hear that. On the other, you have people voluntarily getting out of your way when you’re carrying groceries or pushing their children, who always impede progress, out of your way.
I can shake my head at this woman while still being sad that we squandered our momentary unity, right?
I mean, even they had their moments. Bush was huge on charity to Africa to combat the AIDS epidemic.
Yes Poland, congrats on (checks notes) being invaded by Hitler 80 years ago. Uh, back to the links.
I recently completed the Dark Tower series on audio book. I was heartbroken to discover that Frank Muller died. His voices, particularly Eddie Dean (throughout the series) and Cuthbert (Wizard and Glass), captured how I envisioned those characters spot on. It was really tough to listen to a new voice after going on…
You don’t play nice with others, Gameface.