Counterpoint - Swans are assholes.
Counterpoint - Swans are assholes.
Why did they show Mega Man using a gun instead of the arm cannon. Having an arm cannon is way cooler.
I’m in the same camp. Metal Man’s stage was where I’d go to rack up a ton of extra lives so I could lose them on those two levels.
This must’ve been a thing during the MySpace/AIM days, ~*~*wHeN sOmE pEoPlE tYpEd LiKe ThIs*~*~
Those certainly aren’t Prompto’s quads!
Any idea what this means with respect to Oreo rolling out through the major U.S. carriers? I’m assuming that the release by Samsung does not necessarily equate to it being available to Verizon users right away.
I’m assuming that this is coach pitch and now his own coach is going to have to plunk him to send a message.
That’s some good velocity for such an awkward motion.
I’d like to recommend Industrial Arts’ Wrench as a good intro into new IPAs. Also really enjoyed Interboro’s 108 Mics the other day and thought it was quite tasty.
Maybe not the best data point, but it was the first thing that I saw that really sank in how long Colon has been playing.
Amazing how far back he goes. He faced off against Todd Zeile. I can’t comprehend how Todd Zeile’s career overlapped with somebody that is still playing today.
I just hope the manifolds stay out of danger.
I’d like to put my two lips on that corn dog.
Battletoads is a surprisingly good analogy here.
Can you please tell us a NES story every time a D.C. sports team shits the bed? Or would that result in you getting transferred to Kotaku?
That’s horrible for so many reasons.
The scenario described here has happened to me and I’m white. It was absolutely terrifying and I felt completely helpless. I think that this weapon is used (I’m calling the cops...they won’t believe you) on anybody perceived to be a more aggressive group than the person issuing the threat. I bet it’s several times as…
On the plus side, she’s out in front of the majority of runners, so there’s a fighting chance that it isn’t destroyed yet.
So were the drugs still good?
6 Train?