
I miss Ledos. Especially dipping the mozzarella sticks in that sweet sauce of theirs.

So is this effectively a thin crust version of Chicago pizza (aka a casserole), cut into square pieces?

How do you inbound the ball with 1 player? Throw it off a defender?

Thanks for this. I’ll have to check this out!

I wish this sport was readily available in the states. When we visited and watched a game at the pub, I was blown away. It’s chaos and wonderful.

While it’s an extremely terrible life decision, Lithuania is probably the best basketball nation in the world on a per capita basis. It’s like the Dominican Republic is for baseball.

I’ve honestly had a hard time telling the difference, but I wouldn’t say I have the best palate in the world, either. I’d still take both versions over Diet Coke all day.

Why on earth does anybody drink Diet Coke anymore, knowing how amazing Coke Zero is?

I was fully expecting to see these at #1. WTF

Hopefully she’ll beat some sense into the U.S. Soccer Federation. 

Is Forest Whitaker okay?

Is there any chance that the Giants can get both Stanton and Ohtani?

Absolutely heartbreaking. As a new parent, this stuff terrifies me.

We need a Lifehacker article on how to make a Mr. Burn’s trap door button.

I’ll never disassociate the Jets with Buttfumbles and foot videos.

That is a rough looking 35.

Fun fact: the real Hermes project was canned due to its susceptibility to catastrophic failure caused by ruffled potato chips.

Love the picture. I imagine that most of us will experience that at least one time while attempting to buy a SNES Classic.

His face has never changed.

I wish I could give you more stars for the Avon reference.