First National Bastard

Bobby Knight-level basketball knowledge, there.

He’s just “discount pewdiepie”


I’m paying for the meal and if I want to stack some fucking plates to get them out of my way or because I don’t want to look at the mess while I finish the meal’s conversation (which is part of the tab and generous tip), then I’ll fucking do it.

And I was in the service industry as wait and bar staff for 30 years. Shut

If you like the Diablo series, you need to get Path of Exile, IMO. It’s better. It’s supported amazingly. It’s free.

Can’t wait till all the copsuckers jump in to talk about how it was “A CLEAN KILL, HE DIDN’T COMPLY!!”

Fuck the police.

The current “Converse” Chuck Taylors are so poorly made, they come apart inside two months casual wear.

The current “Converse” Chuck Taylors are so poorly made, they come apart inside two months casual wear.

Maybe you should dump this game and play Path of Exile. They’re actually releasing fantastic new content in a week. Oh yeah. Free.

Sounds like a douche that got consequenced for being a douche.

Nobody needs protection on an NBA floor. Quit acting like this is a street fight.

I am certainly no “Ball-washer” but criticizing a grown man for walking away from a playground fracas is bullshit. His teammate wasn’t in mortal danger. Ball acted like a fucking grownup. You should try it.

I would beat his ass all day.

You also must realize that the term “Battle Royale” and the concept was around long before the novel/movie/manga and that professional wrestling has used it for fifty years or more, right?

Funny, he was amazing against last year’s National Champion and second best overall defense, Clemson and played well against LSU. He can’t catch his own passes and play defense, though.

“I’m done with YouTube” is the biggest lie anyone on the internet has ever told.

“Fuck Clay Travis with a hot-chicken leg”... not unless you want hot crabs.

How did Deadspin resist the headline “TWELVE YEAR OLD WITH HUGE DONG”?

The big problem is that death on the field is very rare. Even if it were to happen in a big, televised game it would appear a freak accident. The truth is that many die a relatively short time AFTER being on the field and struggle with CTE effects, depression, suicide and other crippling ailments.

Perhaps. But you might be oversimplifying and underestimating the difference that 40-60lbs can make. Especially when it is cased in freak-sausage like Lesnar. Lesnar may just be able to out-mass Jones, and if he can avoid extremity submission; take a win.

In perspective, he was also fined (and apparently shrugged off) just shy of what I will make in two years. I am a nurse in a busy emergency room and work 12 hour shifts.