At least it's no longer congested.
At least it's no longer congested.
That’s some really shitty traffic.
Imagine how beautiful the world would be if everyone did something like this every time they heard an opinion they disagreed with. published your address, sent anonymous notes that harass you, write negative reviews, threaten your would be a leftist utopia with n0 racism and no bigotry...right?
I work a full time job and have been for 5 years and don’t have nearly as much saved up. Yaaaay for being a second class citizen :(
Hopefully the boy’s mother has a chance to speak at the 2020 DNC.
AS a liberal, I approve these leaks.
I don’t know how anyone could support this charlatan after she hired DWS.
So Wikileaks was cool when they’re taking down Bush and the Republicans, but when they do the same to Clinton and the Democrats they’ve hit rock bottom?
I don’t thing you grasp how corrupt the DNC and the Clintons are. Not everyone in the democratic party is, but the DNC, and the Clintons are extremely corrupt. The Clintons, Bushes, Romneys all need to be sent packing.
Don’t know you and I hate THE but fuuuuck you. He dismissed a player for choking out his girlfriend and you say that shit? With everything going on in Baylor.. Tennessee.. And you crucify him for doing the right thing? Fuck you man.
Fuck off, cunt.
“when you play this game in the future”
Oh.. please! People were just as distracted before this game came out. This isn’t anything even remotely new!
If the game is actively built to support mods, encourages them and fosters a community around them, then yeah, it gets a pass.
Same shit, different day. I’m 32 and I’ve been playing violent games since the days of Wolfenstein and Doom on my 486. I’m not a violent person. I don’t even own a gun. Ditto for my closest friends. We’ve all been playing for decades and yet we haven’t murdered anyone and don’t own any weapons.
I know i’m probably in the minority but I hate pokemon with every fiber of my being.
I didn’t know I was at fault for writing about someone doing something shady, but my eyes have been opened. Thank you
I find your last sentence ironic. In trying to address vulgar and offensive language that presumes about others, you’ve addressed “BOYS” as the culprits. I see plenty of females on Kinja, other social media, and IRL using all of these phrases.
The problem is the gulf between a sport that is fun to play and a sport that is fun to watch.
Look at that sold out crowd.
Unpopular opinion I know, but I feel that a speedrunner using glitches is the same as a marathon runner who uses shortcuts. Its obviously not the way its meant to be done. Might as well pop a gameshark in there and just have it run the credits, game over 12 seconds.