
Boo hooo hooooooo you can injure them. Dont fuckin play sports if you dont want to get injured.

Key part of this whole fucking thing.........

Thats fine. Lord knows it wouldnt be the first.


I knew you were a tool before I even read your response.


So the last time you left your basement....... What did you do?

Great nerd fights always start with.... “thats not how you I do it”....

Sometimes I wonder how I can lean to the right but yet still support gay marriage and many other things that conservatives are supposed to hate. I do hate generalization though. That never helps a fucking thing.


If this happened in America the left would be screaming for more bomb control and blame the bombs for killing people and not the people who detonated them.

I agree though. We should make bombs illegal and prevent felons and or terrorist from buying them on the interwebz because that works.

Pretty sure the Democrats started the KKK so yeah.... Republicans and hate and all that... yeahhhhh

I wonder if he brought up that he and his party continue to say the middle class is struggling yet ask for 18% increase in pay after his presidency?

O’Doyle Rules!

White privilege...

“Don’t get me wrong, I still solo, but friends make it better.”

The point eluded you. I’m proving you were never once on the ground conducting raids and therefor only know and believe what you read. I agreed earlier with that some good people get caught up but you fight the good fight thinking everyone who was arrested was innocent.

Good news... after the war I stopped believing in heaven or hell.