
It must be really earth shattering for people like you to realize that most of all the revolutions throughout history were actually fought by men. I mean sure men might use beautiful women as a symbol of liberation because female beauty is a perfect example for almost anything, but let’s not forget now the people

You say this yet your sex wears vagina hats and freaks out at lingerie model ads.

Women are basically ignored as sexual assault perpetrators, I mean after all Jezebel did try to justify Lena Dunham sexually exploiting her sister.

Yet here you are using technology and infrastructure mostly created by men.

Women are more educated due to a number of reforms done to the education system around the 90s that were implanted specifically to help girls even though women reached near parity in education during the 80s.

There can be a magazine like that but there can also be a magazine like playboy.

To my knowledge there isn’t any plans to impose sharia law onto the United States so maybe that’s why she didn’t bring up any of these rights...just my 2 cents though.

I love how the NFL is described as one of the most patriarchal organizations in the USA just because football (much like nearly every sport ) is a sport where men and women can’t compete against each other.

Aside from the gross sexist generalization this could easily be applied to female pop stars who literally sing about getting dicked so hard they are walking “side to side”or about how big and jiggly their asses are.

I am legitimately curious to know exactly why a larger female fan base would make games more healthier and more dynamic. In what specific context does this apply to because I’ve never heard it argued that the participation of more men in traditionally female dominated hobbies/genres would somehow cause the same

Yet the man was considered unprofessional and an asshole for pretty much his whole career and at what point does this still justify her actions.

Yup because women never ever do crimes against other women or men.

Sure, so long as all the buildings, construction,housing,food,electricity and basically all accommodations that make 1st world life possible are completely built and maintain by women.

Sure so long as no female teachers are allowed around male students given they can’t stop themselves from committing statutory rape against them.

Reminder that feminism doesn’t hate men.

I would trying to excuse and justify criminal behaviour all because the perpetrator is a woman is kind of a bit fanatical but then again this Jezebel, the same place that brags about domestic abuse against men.

As opposed the fem echo chamber, which apparently thinks women who commit crimes should not be punished.

The irony of you saying male fragility is that your sex is one who demands safe spaces, trigger warnings and colouring books when they get offended.

“I haven’t seen Free!. I will add that men are valued by their appeal to women much less than women are valued by their appeal to men, and with less tangible results, like pay raises and employment opportunities (since, statistically, men are more often in positions of power over these things).”

“Hey, great comment. My reply is that no anime should get kudos for simply giving female characters personalities. That is a low bar to clear, my friend. Just because a personality and plot are wrapped around T&A doesn’t make it less infuriating that T&A are the central subjects of this show.”