
Smollett is not “mental”. He’s just plain old stupid. 

I’m not. At this point this shit is just good comedy. 

Lmao, when you trust your co-conspirators enough to fake a hate crime, but not enough to pay up front.

Anyone else tired of hearing about this stupid motherfucker? At this point his lies are fucking exhausting!

I don’t think it’s overblown at all. Jussie Smollett orchestrated not one, but two fake incidents - the letter, and the assault. He wasted tons of taxpayer resources, made fools of everyone who believed and supported him, and damaged the credibility of future victims. And your suggestion is that he should “keep

$100,000 bond and the potential to face 3 years in prison is way overblown

Sorry but I say, “Lock his a** up!” He did this to himself, time to stop making excuses for yet another wart on the black community.

Overblown?  He should receive whatever punishment his “attackers” would have if this had been real.

Plus, unlike Malkmus, he actually had some singing ability.

Zappa was a brilliant defender of free speech for musical artists against the awful censorship of people like Tipper Gore so I respect him for that.