It is kind of a shame that the various Castors were largely the same. I mean, they had a good in-story reason why, but still… shame.
It is kind of a shame that the various Castors were largely the same. I mean, they had a good in-story reason why, but still… shame.
Well, she's a 10, and Sarah's, like, a 7 at best.
Smallville's biggest flaw was that it was a Superman show that was embarrassed of being a Superman show. (Baked right into the DNA of it with "no tights, no flights".) So they were all, "Superman/Doomsday battle? Ugh. If we have to. But then let's get back to the love triangle thing."
Oh yeah, did they just imply that Gypsy is actually Cisco's alternate universe counterpart?
For real, I once went on a job interview that claimed it was for office management (in the music industry, which was a COMPLETE lie), and then it claimed it was paid training to learn to manage a sales office. Except "paid training" meant being paid commission on just doing the sales.
Mostly commission? Please. It was 100% commission.
British children are more in touch with the macabre than ours are.
"Hanneman was right. Jared fucks."
I mean, given what it is, you tell me there's a twist, then that's what it obviously is.
grumble grumble Technomages.
I agree with you, but there definitely was a subset of fans who A. hated the DS9 thing and B. loved the Enterprise "answer".
That's fashion from the 2260s. The 2250s are a bit more conservative.
Voyager is the sit-on-your-couch-in-your-sweats-and-eat-mac-and-cheese of Treks.
That is one of my favorites of the early episodes. It sets up the "you're out of your league" from the get-go. "You need to set a course away from the storm at Warp 7." "… our top speed is Warp 5."
"Always trying to shoehorn in…"
"Inner Light" is excellent, but not very representative to be good "gateway" Trek.
Summer Glau could stalk you in a clown wig and a tutu and be terrifying.
Not to mention the obvious but: Also, you tell the story of the cluster that fights and wins, not the cluster that takes their blockers and keeps their head down to avoid trouble.
Yes. From what we've seen of Sun's brother, that is exactly the sort of plan he'd come up with.