Trust Me I'm a Doctor

This episode really showed that the animated bits were used to cover up budget shortfalls. Because it's clear the intent was to really show Ra-Ra's journey into Zulu territory, the whole party… and nope.

I kind of appreciated that the name of the club where Mylene would "cross the line" was Ruby Con, but then to have the song literally spell it out just made me shake my head.

Though I wonder why you get Daveed Diggs to play older Ezekial if you literally aren't going to have him do anything.

Dude, I'm the whitest white-boy from the suburbs, in my 40s, and I think this show is excellent.

Apparently I'm the only one who is. Which is strange, because I thought the first half had received a decent amount of acclaim.

Yeah, but at the same time, a critic should recognize what something is trying to do, and address that accordingly. You wouldn't want, say, a food critic to continually rail on a sushi restaurant for failing to deliver on a cheeseburger. A critic has to look at what a work is trying to achieve, and how that goal is

I started out with big hopes for Hawkgirl, and was very disappointed that they never got a sense of how to use her or Hawkman. I'm not sure if it was a writing problem (though there certainly was one), an actor problem (Ciara Renee never gelled with the character or with the physical stuff?) or a technical problem

I have, more than once, been discussing something with a woman on the internet, and she says something empirically, factually wrong, and I think "do I correct that error, and get jumped for 'mansplaining', or do I let it pass?" And more often than not, I let it pass, because it's not worth the drama.

It's the modern equivalent of reading a comicbook under your blanket with a flashlight.

C. Jewel.
D. Dick Clark.
E. Also Dick Clark.
F. 42. ish.

The trick is to keep an email address on the side that you give zero fucks about. They can spam your inbox all they want because you know everything it gets is trash.

Yeah, but, like, 90% of them are pointless and you don't even care that they exist. I mean, who even heard of Go90 before this? I'll tell you who— only the mothers of people who have shows on Go90.

That's definitely where you sneak a nap in.

Guys. GUYS.
They deliver pizza and chinese food. GEEZ.

I'll point out in the garage Rick has a cardboard box labeled "Time Travel Stuff".

In retrospect, I should have scare-quoted it. "Logic".

I read through it. It's garbage, but here's the logic:
Boys are waffles because they compartmentalize things— thus they can keep "sex" in one section and "emotions" in another.
Girls are spaghetti because everything gets all swirled up together, sex and emotions and everything else.

I think— though the episodes don't really give you anything to work with here— that the Bakuto's Hand wanted to give her the appearance of independence. So while her role was "find potential recruits and train them to the point where they're worthy of coming to Hand State University", she has to sell the reality of

She's fantastic, but her Oscar win is exactly the sort of thing you can use to minimize her if you're inclined to do so. It's that perfect, "Oh, she just got it because she's a pretty lady who went 'ugly' by having a fake nose." win.

Right. He knows, but as long as nothing is said out loud, he can pretend he doesn't *know*.