Trust Me I'm a Doctor

Between E.T., The Raiders of the Lost Arc and Swordquest, the folks at Atari were clearly on ALL the good drugs.

The Goonies is a hot mess of a movie. So many things make no sense at all. I'm not even talking about One-Eyed Willie's traps. Like, why does Troy just try to flat-out murder Brand? Is just Mikey/Brand's house being foreclosed on, or is it the whole town? What does their dad do that he's got an attic full of art

We already got nine seasons of that on CBS, man.

It does, mostly.

Can it be narrated by Werner Herzog? If so, I'm in.

Bacci balls!

We once came home to discover our neighbors had AirBNBd their house (inadvertently) to a massive concert promoter party. Funnily enough, the party had advertised itself as a "mansion party", which our neighbor's house definitely was not. So our street was filled with limos and party buses.
Now, this was at 3pm on a

To a degree, yeah, you have to do this, but I'm annoyed that the show has set up that you have to do this. Especially in this case, where the premise is, "The Kryptonians are about to do some shenanigans, but Kara is out of commission." Not even paying lip service to why one can't play the Superman card is poor

Significant grooming really became a thing in the 90s.

Dude, I've watched Trading Places, like, a hundred times, and I'm still not entirely sure what they did. Near as I can tell they sold a bunch of stock that they didn't actually have when they knew the price was at its peak, and then bought back at the low price when it tanked, which worked because… math? Yeah.

Correction: The Martian is only potatoes.

The closest they got was basically being, "Barney and Robin are both terrible, in a way that means they sync up with each other."

I'd argue more along the lines, "They shouldn't have made Ted and Robin so toxic", but the underlying point stands.

Give me five bees and I'll tell you.

We hated TV shows we watched on grainy live broadcast on local UHF stations, in snow five feet deep, uphill BOTH WAYS!

Back in the days Enterprise was on the air, there was a guy in England who hated the show SO MUCH he would make sure to spend six hours downloading it from torrents over dial-up just so he could express his hatred in a timely manner on TrekBBS.

We never really saw Evil Uhura do anything. We just saw our Uhura playing the rules of the game with aplomb.

I also liked him unloading his entire gun into Reverb and missing every shot.

It's not that Kryptonians are proprietary to him, it would be something he'd be particularly invested in. Yes, any alien invasion, he'd try to stop. But his feelings about a Kryptonian one would be completely different than a Thanagarian one.

I saw it less about fantasizing him as a kid to be protected, and more fantasizing a Krypton where nothing went wrong. Thus no need for her or him to be launched to Earth, no getting trapped in a time vortex for years, and thus no staying a kid while he grew up. She fantasized how she would be if still on Krypton,