Trust Me I'm a Doctor

See, that's a bit of follow-up I would have like to have seen. Because, yeah, Locke did CRAZY STUFF including getting Boone killed in the name of visions and "the Island demanded it." Charlie does the same and Locke doesn't just put him down, but really works him over. You'd think he'd understand on some level.

Actually, you can do that with tree sap, too.

"It is very important that all your folds be horizontal or vertical. A diagonal fold could cause <cut> <glitch> <warp> never happen again."

I'm quite convinced in my recent re-watch that the intention with resurrected Locke early on was completely legit, and only around "Follow the Leader" did the writers decide that it was really Not-Locke. (If nothing else, that's when they told Terry O'Quinn that decision, because the change in his demeanor is quite

Not to mention, Ben treats the Cabin as a real source of information in Season Four, where he insists on Hurley coming along and then takes the instructions of "move the Island" as the Word of Jacob. I can buy his behavior in "Man Behind the Curtain" matching his end-of-S5 confession of "I was lying, and was

There are three acts that I really can't find any way to fanwank into "but really…"
1. Killing Scott/Steve. Now, you could argue that Ethan didn't actually kill him, that he happened to have a horrible fatal accident on the exact night Ethan threatened to kill someone, but… yeah, there's no way around that one.

The meme that the Others are "the good guys" probably could work if it wasn't for their behavior in Season 1. But, yeah, there was a constant implicit promise from Season 3 on of, "If you knew what we knew, then you would see we're really the good people here." But that never quite pays off, though Season Six does

I talked a bit about this earlier, but given that Richard knows that the MiB IS the Smoke Monster, and that he is the enemy of Jacob, there's too much integration of and corruption by the MiB to believe unless Richard was staggeringly incompetent. Case in point: when Ben is expecting judgment from the smoke monster

Hell, Dogen had had direct interaction with Jacob, as did Ilana and possibly Bram and the other Ajiran Acolytes. But for some reason Ben never did.

His main jobs were A. Receive exposition and B. Fly things.

The problem with "Love Rhombus" in this case is all four sides are equal. Maybe "Love Trapezoid" is more suiting.

Though where that sort of falls apart from me is that Charlie never uses. It's almost like he makes the stash to prove to himself that he isn't going to use it.

I presumed David was something conjured up entirely by Jack's subconscious. I mean, in the Sideways flashes, there's a certain amount of issue-closing as everyone who is 'supposed' to wake-up works their way to it. And Jack's things to resolve is Daddy Issues, but given the structure of the Afterlife (i.e., they

There's another Dharma Hatch: The Umbrella. It was just a storage room for tarps and blankets. The orientation film has Dr. Candle explain EXACTLY how they are supposed to be folded.

Things within the Jacob/MiB/Richard/Ben just flat out don't line up. You can do some fanwanking contortions, but most of them involve Richard being a complete moron who just let The Others get corrupted and shrugged it off until Jacob was killed.

Yeah, in my re-watch, reconciling the behavior of Season 1 & 2 Others with their actions and supposed goals shown later is… near impossible. They tried a bit with saying that Ethan more or less panicked when Hurley was doing his census, and improvised. But they also act all pissy about Ethan (and others) being

I always read it that it was less about Jack always working or being neglectful, and more about how colossally messed up it was for him to marry Sarah in the first place— she wasn't someone he loved, she was someone he fixed. And Sarah more or less realized the same thing about her feelings for him.

You can always fanwank reasons, but it does stand out as the only moment where Locke gets ANGRY about something that isn't connected to his faith in the island/his destiny.

Except when he's on the dentist's tray.

"Ogg, it just deer on cave wall! It not mean more!"