
Originally when I heard the criticism of the video I was like "I get it but at the same time, don't minimize the lived experience of the girl in the video though'. But after seeing this I really respect what these women have put together. It's hard out here for all of us. As a woman of size I get some weird, fucked up

I've been saying this for a while now.

I grew up in a time when being a "gamer" was cause for ridicule. Shit, admitting to owning a Nintendo in the mid-80's was a good way to get your ass kicked at my school (not at all schools, I understand).

Now that gaming's finally mainstreamed, and the hobby has -finally- gained

What strikes me about the doxxing comment I saw was that it was posted as a weird, fucked up way of reassuring Felicia Day—their assertion was that the info was easy to find, so all her fears were silly. And it's just such ridiculous logic. Here's someone being vulnerable, and that's how you respond?

Anita has been accused of faking these threats and not actually making police reports before. The actual people who accused her of it found out themselves that not only was she telling the truth, she was also dealing with the FBI.

If they want to ignore them, that's fine. It's for everyone else reading who would think they were right if no other facts were presented.

"The game director from Black Ops 2 at its height got 1,000's of death threats a day. No one cared then."

Yeah, no one cares or talks about it. Other than Kotaku who ran a massive story on the death threats received by the Call of Duty director:

"Why is it only her?"

At least three women in as many months have been threatened so seriously they've had to leave their homes because of this shit.

It's funny how this situation mirrors the extremism perpetrated against women every day in the middle east. We view ourselves as so much more civilized and accomplished, but then people do things like this... hatred and bigotry, it seems, can't be contained by national borders.

Really? Did no one care then? Because it seems we wrote about that exact event more than once, along with others.

Dude, it doesn't matter who she points the blame at. Shit like this is a reflection of us all.

By you essentially calling her a raging man-hating feminist you are perpetuating the very reason she is speaking out. You are the problem here.

Not really, Jihaid's are terrorists, the Argentinians made a dubious territorial claim against a sovereign nations territory and tried to enforce it through military action. Then they lost. Now they mad.

kinda different. Maybe Nam1975 because we lost that war but this is nothing like race hate.

Uh, in what conceivable world is an ethnic slur targeting African Americans in Detroit at all equivalent to Argentines getting angry about a war their own government started and lost?

Losing a war and a racial slur aren't even comparable IMO.

At this point, I assure you it is being done for humor value. Which is what I was doing too. We should be posting that as much as possible.

I understand—mostly—where you're coming from, but at the same time I have this nagging question:

Argentina lost the war.

Given the very high decibel of the waambulance in this thread, I'm guessing I'm in the minority that thinks (no pun intended I double-dog, inky-pinky swear):

All this is well and good, but will they still allow Samsung, LG and HTC to slap on their own random clashing bloatware interfaces on top of Android?