Your kids' friends have terrible taste.
Your kids' friends have terrible taste.
I'm disappointed because How to train your Dragon 2 isn't a big hit, and it deserved to be one. Truly.
Thing is, we're making that comparison based on the end result, while he's deciding based on the process. We don't know the details of his involvement of either if these particular sausages.
I'm much more excited to see this guy than to see Superman again.
He's just remembering that time he let his dad die for no reason in that super.slow.moving. tornado.
I'm with you. I mean it's not great and I haven't felt the need to watch it again, but neither did I get my soul raped, which is apparently what happened to everyone else. I would have gone to see the sequel, if only just to find out how Thade ended up as the Lincoln Memorial.
It is pretending to be legitimate critique, and people take it as such, which its real sin (albeit unintended).
It really is the laziest form of criticism, and it perpetuates the "nitpicking as insight" that dominates internet reviewers.
I'd blame MST3k if I didn't love it so much.
I know CinemaSins is mostly an excuse for jokes more than anything else (bad ones at that), but there's a gross thread of misogyny that runs through some of their videos that just makes them repellent to me besides the pedantry and refusal to understand how cinematic storytelling works.
I agree on Cinema Sins. It's clearly apparent that half of those 'sins' are there to pad out an already too long length of video time.
I do not think Burton's Planet of the Apes film was particularly good.
I hate this invite crap
When spoiled people have money, and don't get what they want within their timeframe....insanity ensues.
Sounds like a spoiled fucking child. I abhor people like this. What an idiot. Arrogance? What arrogance? What electric car is China building again? Oh...
I think I missed your joke.
Not saying if you're a conservative you're rascist....but if you're a rascist, chances are you're conservative.
Well, far right conservatives aren't exactly burdened with great intelligence most of the time. So it isn't much of a shock that satire isn't their favorite brand of humor.
It's great when a joke becomes self fulfilling. Bunch of morons.