Trunk Trunkerson

Clinton would have let them take more.

Man this person you're describing sounds like an incompetent, gaffe-prone buffoon. I can't imagine a party would be stupid enough to run her in an important election.

Wah wah wah wah wah wah

"Keep your expectations low, masses! Take the shit ww offer you and shut up when even we acknowledge that it's shit!"

You only experience politics thtough pop culture and in terms of "supervillains". How embarassing.

Her supporters though? The most thin-skinned weirdos on the planet.

This is why the Dems are failures. The contempt neoliberals have for the people they pretend to care about oozes from their every pore.

Imagine being dumb enough to believe this.

This election drove you insane huh.

Yes keep talking down to huge crucial parts of your coalition to stave off the creeping horror at the realization that the neoliberalism that's benefitted you might not be enough for everyone.

Gee who would have thought the self-loathing shut-in had weird views on race

If it's any consolation Armen himself (correctly) makes the point during the "switch" moment mentioned in the write-up that Nick and Mitch made him the straight man this episode. Their on-air personalities and dynamic are so well-honed by this point that even Armen can't derail them from being hilarious for too long.

I know there are a lot of good people in the DSA who want to do actual work but it does not bode well that the only time their name has rung out recently is in relation to some dumb twitter shitfight about a D-list comedian's jokes from 4 years ago.

Yeah don't talk like this. It's cringey. I'm a fan of the show but acting like these dudes are political geniuses and not just funny well-read leftists is annoying Daily Show fandom shit.

I figure since the hosts decide to bring in someone who's been pretty definitively proven to be a mixed bag at best when it comes to comedy, they are fine with whatever dumb shit he says as a result.

That scruffy chav showed his arse to the upper crust. Execute him.

Got any more cliches?

Trump's popularity among their base is why they're in power. They need him until they gerrymander the Democratic Party into irrelevance.

"hiding behind a grandiloquent vocabulary"

Yes, I'm the one with the simplistic view of morality here.