
That smile =

I love Sam Elliott. I do. But he was arguably the worst villain out of the entire series. He never actually -did- anything. It was all past stories or idle threats of what he -could- do.

McConnell. I want to hit him so hard his stupid head comes out of the ass-end of his hate shell


I dont know but i can tell you that Trump’s tyrannical regimen needs to be stopped. The government is going to really need a good cleaning regime to scrub all this filth away

Photoshop that so Mike is thinking the same exact thing!

Just dawned on me. Maybe he’s afraid he’ll get a doctor that doesnt agree -at all- with his bullshit he’s spewed here in America, so out of fear he has to head to another country where maybe they wont care as much

Holly...on an almost daily basis that im here reading articles, your enthusiasm when the big orange idiot screws up (or the smaller but equally frustrating idiots of the greedy red party) is contagious. And your occasional info posts of what these idiots do or what theyre about to be punished for are super helping my

That’s dependent on the state law, fyi. We dont have that here in Nevada. Which is how it should be, in my opinion. Im a bartender, not a babysitter, not a doctor, not a cop. If a person is adult enough to drink, then theyre adult enough to be at their own damn fault entirely for not moderating their own behavior. 

Seriously. Tridents and forks have been useful tools for humans for decades into centuries. Why? Multiple prongs.

Thoughts and prayers are the only good remedy now, methinks

Justified gets all the stars, all the time.

Eh...the Swayze was more rapscallian.

Her dancing style is “too shrill”. That and “she should smile more”

I agree.  I already thought she was pretty top notch.  Thanks QAnon for showing me there was yet another, more topper notch.  Mission accomplished?

Jesus take the Wall