
They remembered. Will said "Call me…Stern Lockhart Gardener"

Also thought DeBlasio's cameo was so funny and so on point. Who hasnt been in a NYC taxi trying to shut off those stupid and loud tvs?
Much funnier than Bloomies cameos IMO

I loved this episode but would give it a solid B+— the shipper in me would rate it higher (A). This episode does what TGW does well but it didnt have the nail biting tension, drama etc of last week.

I would use the power of redundancy. So I would use stupid assistant, calendar reminder and voicemail message :p

How about the stupid assistant that let Damian take the furniture?

I wondered about the judge thing. It strikes me as odd the Kings would bring it back just for the throw away of he has an unrequited crush.

Welcome. Sonia. I love this show! And I thought this episode was in solid A territory as it was doing all the things TGW does so well.

Well I realized because I used to work in LIC and have passed by the median with the puffy grass near the Citibank building a gazillion times. Also I think the hotel scene was shot in LIC too because they were looking at midtown Manhattan from the balcony. The skyline looked pretty but I thought it was kind of weird

What was even funnier is he actually was playing with it and throwing it against the wall (like some ADHD kid that he probably was as a child).

"5. Whomever in Hollywood that started the rumor that women over 40 are
not sexy and should be discounted and that no one will watch over 40s
have sex needs to watch this show. I found the love scenes between
Alicia and Will during this episode so steamy that I had to rewind a
couple of times…Did you hear that

Definitely watch it from the start. Its so much better that way. You get the full effect of story arcs and characterizations.

I think she is naming the baby Peter. But 3.5 months is too early to tell the sex of the baby since amnios are done later. My theory is she had IVF and chose the sex of the baby (boy) and is naming the baby after some family member. Its a headfake by the writers-they love subverting viewer expectations.

I thought they gave the questioning to Clarke because they were in front of Judge Dunaway. I thought Dunaway was the judge that Nancy Crozier used to use her "Awww shucks I am from Michigan" schtick with but I may be confusing him with another judge.

Awww shucks

These were the streets of Long Island City Queens ( especially Vernon Blvd) and though the streets in LIC are often deserted pulling 100 miles per hour would be very hard.

I dont know about a love triangle. But I really liked that Damian and Kalinda seemed to be enjoying themselves and their sparring. Maybe once she finds out he is not a threat to LG they can be friends.

Seriously? Will almost rubs one out for Alicia under the table at a business meeting and you are debating the semantics of lesbian?!!!


Sims, you perfectly captured most of what I would have said. Except I would add a "No thanks to tattooed blond chick".

Are there other status articles that men in a midlife crisis or with small dicks buy? FTR, I think Will must be packing something big given Alicia's huge smile in the season 3 opener.