
Independence Day is next month. Plenty of fireworks for sale. All it takes is some imagination, lead pipes, and a bit of luck.

My father-in-law punched out twice from A4s. Only damage he received was when the mic busted out his fron teeth because he was doing over 400kts when he ejected. Next time, he said he waited until the aircraft slowed down.

Does it come with the watch?

As long as there is a steering wheel, accelerator pedal, brake pedal, and other driving controls in the cabin of the car, the driver is 100% at fault. When the day comes that there are no longer driving controls in the cabin, there will no longer be a driver, then we can switch the blame to someone else.

Holy fuck, that is annoying.

These Hollywood movies are getting ridiculous. What’s next? Snakes on Planes, Trains, and Automobiles?

It could be a privately purchased car that is registered with consulate plates. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that the consulate positions are given out as favors to certain friends.

Do you know Sir Ulrich von Liechtenstein?

Colin Furze! He can build the cars and Stig can race them.

You probably know this already, Jason, but the seatbelt allows the toilet to legally be used as a seat for a passenger. It is not designed to be used while actually peeing/pooping.

45 degree bank, in level flight, is about 1.5g.

Polarized plate cover for the win.

I like the auto auto-fill. Will the auto-fill work on the Tesla auto with autopilot?

By looking at the actual plate or by running a check on a computer?

A second, working, kitchen isn’t a rich person’s thing. It is an Italian thing. Many Italian families do that.

I have a 228. The trunk is actually pretty big compared to the overall car size. I can easily get three roll-aboard size bags in there with room to spare.

Buy an X-drive and detach the rear driveshaft.

And scratch the paint/liner? No way, Jose. My manly truck is only for looks.

Actually, you do lose some. The right to privacy is lost, at least in part, which is why TSA gets to search your person and bags. You lose the right to free speech, again partially, which is why you can’t make bomb jokes.

Actually, I’m more libertarian than anything. This whole discussion started because I wanted to make sure people know that their rights are not being violated just because TSA searches their bag. If I were king, I’d drop-kick the TSA out of the US and let you bring whatever you want on the plane. I’m sure that would