
VFR is not the same as VMC. The Air Canada crew was flying under IFR in VMC conditions. It appears they conducted a visual approach. They could have and should have backed up the visual approach with a published instrument approach. SFO 28R does have an operating ILS, although I don’t know if it was operating at

Small, light, cheap digital controllers, accelerometers, and electronic gyros. The drones are self-stabilizing now so they are easier to control. Add in the on board cameras for fun. Good batteries which make starting the drone effortless (no finicky glow-plug starts here). Live data and video-link with the pilot.

Did you assume the gender of the sex offenders? And of the victims? Maybe some of the offenders are women. Maybe some of the victims are male.

You could try asking your elected representatives to propose a constitutional amendment that protects the right to own and drive cars.

Anything can be used as a weapon. The government can’t protect against everything.

AirAsiaX flight, so probably a Muslim pilot.

Yes. We do it every time we go to the sim for training. No big deal.

Yay, Trump!

“Why does this happen?”

Who cares about the car repair advice? I listen to Car Talk because the hosts are engaging and funny. They could be talking about knitting and I would still listen.

This is states’ rights. Texas used it’s “rights” to prohibit sanctuary cities. You should be happy.

Yes, the shooter needs to see the target, especially at that range. In addition to dialing/holding the correct elevation, the shooter also to needs to adjust for windage. The probability of getting both correct without seeing the target is exceedingly remote. No doubt, there was lots of luck in the shot, but it

No, bullets don’t typically bounce off at the same angle at which they hit.

Yes, the sniper was able to see the target. No way it could have happened without the target being in the scope.

Yes, 10 Cool-Guy points per camera. -20 points for losing a camera.

Google says there are several Cobras for sale. I’m pretty sure they’ve been available for years.

They really put the chop in chopper.

Help out an automotive idiot (me). What is the problem with running low grade fuel, say 87 octane, in an engine that specifies premium fuel?

That side view is a Ford Explorer.