
I am so tired of republican obstructionists, deception, Anti-science rhetoric. To think that there are so many in our country that buy into this ignorant BULLSHIT... It is shit like this that makes me ashamed to be from the USA.

I totally understand that. But I think “I did all this for you, so now it’s MY turn” is an understandable way to think about it, but it’s also really messed up at the core. You shouldn’t want your friends to wish you happiness because you wished them happiness. That’s shouldn’t be how this works. You should want them

I don’t know... It’s probably fairly similar to human U.S.-Russian relations. Obama is the leader of the free world and all, but I’d go to Putin if I needed bodies hidden. I feel like that cat is like, “Yeah, cool, Sunny and Bo. You go on licking your powerful chops while I... take care of some business.”

Guy with a Masters in Special Education and 17 years working with children with severe autism here: 1. Fuck you DeNiro, you degenerate piece of garbage. 2. The causes of autism are widely accepted as a mess of disparate factors.....the age of the father, a heightened level of testosterone in the mother, genetics ( a

“he has the face of a sexual harasser and general douchecanoe.”...what exactly is the face of a sexual harasser? Does their nose have a certain width? Eye color? How about the teeth?

She is never getting tenure now, effectively ending her academic career either way - which to academics is some life or death shit. It’s a big deal for her to file this lawsuit.

He sought an intimate relationship with Ms. Ravina, insisting that she meet him off-campus, touching her inappropriately, demanding that she compliment him, describing her as “sexy,” and indicating that he was “horny.”

It’s been really interesting trying to speak to the sexists among progressives. The words “slut” and “skank” and “cunt” are prominent.

I’m dying to read a linguist/anthropologist’s essay on how people discuss Hillary in comparison to the other candidates. You can say you don’t like someone without making it so obvious your opinion is tainted with misogyny

“So, are you girls virgins? I can tell Julie is not because look at her exposed ankles. That’s the mark of a hussy. Put some clothes on Julie.”

Why are we blaming his mom?! Oh right, it’s always a woman’s fault!

You know, watching this guy sit here with all of this just crashing down right at this point, it makes you really wonder how he thought this would end up any other way? I mean, just taking aside the sheer horrific scope and scale of what he did, and looking at it in a clinical cost-vs-reward rubric, at what point did

I’m not being facetious, but I really don’t understand your reaction. To me it’s supremely satisfying to see him reduced to a blubbering mess immediately upon realizing he’s not getting away with it. Wouldn’t it be worse if he just sat there emotionless, like a true sociopath? Why do you have him more when he reveals

I don’t know, in this case it is kind of satisfying. He caused those women such pain and suffering - he’s going to have to be segregated in prison, so it won’t be very pleasant. Nothing can undo their injury, but punishing him has to be worth something.

Exactly. At 3 months I was dying to get back into the workforce. All the questions of “how did you leave your baby??!?!!?!” only served to make me feel like there was something wrong with me for not wanting to be attached to my baby 24/7.

Not to mention that it suggests that parents who choose to go back to work at or even before 3 months (even when more leave is available) are deliberately playing Russian Roulette with their kid’s life.

But they could afford it. Her job just didn’t give her enough leave.

But according to Solano, his wife saw the photo and laughed.

You look at the data and the research, and there’s a new Harvard study out that shows that there is no racism in the hearts of police officers

This story reminds me of Andrea Yates because I’m wondering if she planned to harm her other children due to a case of postpartum psychosis. I don’t know if she is suffering from postpartum psychosis or not. Have to wait to see what the rest of the facts of this case are.