I feel like a mandatory echocardiogram for all college athletes in the NCAA would lead to less unnecessary deaths overall, but god forbid the coaches and AD’s make less money to cover the expenses...you frothing dingleberry
I feel like a mandatory echocardiogram for all college athletes in the NCAA would lead to less unnecessary deaths overall, but god forbid the coaches and AD’s make less money to cover the expenses...you frothing dingleberry
How would having 40-50 year old men running next to 20 year old kids solve anything? NCAA should increase mandatory medical oversight by people who actually know what symptoms/signs of trouble to look for in athletes at practices.
I’ve been trying to reconcile how the man, who created Clair Huxtable and a TV show that went to great lengths to prove that women were equal to men, could be capable of all this horrific behavior.
For much of the second half I was thinking that Steve Kerr’s weakness is getting into weird bits of rotation management. Steph and KD sitting at the same time. Seemingly endless minutes with Zaza and McGee when they weren’t doing anything good. A three year long reluctance to ride his very best lineups (Mike Brown is…
I’m sorry that this is relevant to you personally in some way, and I wish you strength and peace wherever you need it.
I was confused at first, thinking why call him? Call police, call a lawyer, call someone with a gun and nothing to lose, but why call him? But I agree with you- that was so brave and supportive and good on her
File this under things that I start reading thinking I might care about only to find out I could not possibly care less.
I’m glad he survived. I wish he would find something better to spend his energy and courage on.
I just ate a large pepperoni pizza with a side of cheese bread in about 45 minutes, so I feel pretty good about myself.
Billy - this is good food for thought, but how do you reconcile it with the fact that the very next article below yours is an advertisement for Gillette disguised as a post to this blog:
What? You actually think that hot girls poop? Grow up, man!
Let’s be fair. Are you an idiot because you chose the Mets, or did you choose the Mets because you were already an idiot?
Shit, now the Orioles will have to protect their honor by drilling someone on Holbrook’s crew.
I’m hard to offend. You are offensive.
Wait, why is this something to hate on this guy about? I mean, I know hes the Nickleback of sports professionals, but honestly, this man worked his dick off to get a spot.
That Straw Man of yours still collects a paycheck from his current team.
I remember when Clint Eastwood said that in Unforgiven, more or less.
I just visited SD and went to a Padres game. Hands down best ballpark experience of my life...super intimate, no Yankees homeland security bullshit and no super inebriated bros. 45 dollar 8th row seats on third baseline—it’s corny but it was really [enjoyable].