
the CBA specifically excludes these fees from the revenues used to determine the league’s salary cap.

I’m not entirely sure why relocation fees should be included in the split to be shared with players. Is there something I’m missing? It’s a transfer from one owner/ownership group to the other owners for the right to move territories.

I really don’t get the Krygios hate. Sure, he can be a ridiculous jerk but those that moan on and on about how he’s sullying the sanctity and gentlemanly nature of tennis are equally as ridiculous.

Unaffiliated = not believing? What? And you criticized me for a spelling error?

Yes, blog post typos tell us everything. I’m an idiot for this. Fair enough.

No. But you can get out of jail for premeditated murder eventually. But not when you tack on two more. So the stakes are high.

I know, I know, people are so stupid to believe in an invisible to us God.

How about the smoking gun: 35 year old attorney who admits he still collects autographs.

Attitude is everything. I remember I once saw my Quarterbacks head drop, just for a second, during a game. That second was enough, it was like a virus that infected the entire team. I just dropped my controller and walked away from the xbox.

Yes. Any time a person is a self-described superfan, it’s code for “attention whole with a double order of self-important asshole”. Times 1000 when said superfan is a superfan of an inept franchise (HELLO KNICKS) because you’re constantly boasting about how you’re a better fan than fans of other teams because they

“I get it. They call me names every day in the paper. Fine. I get it,” Dolan says. “But you’re walking up to the place where I work? It’s like they’re laying in wait for you. It’s like stalking me outside my home.”

goodness I love this team. 162-0 here we go!

I’m not unmindful of any of the points that you make. That said, are you a drama queen or what?

1980 USSR vs. USA. Do you believe in mircales? YES

including prostitution, purchasing alcohol for underage team members, and paying others to complete their homework assignments.

Maybe the cheerleaders did something completely disgusting and amoral, like going to a restaurant with a married man.

I’ll give you this star, but consider this your warning.

Rumor has it the cheerleaders were also part of a pyramid scheme.

This is completely unfair. Deron, Jefferson, Korver, and Frye are an incredible unit together and I have the NBA 2K9 disc to prove it.

Nothing in the world? How much more certain are you about Bonds and his wrists than you are about your cereal rankings?