
Jon Snow is killed by the mother of dragons! I did not see it coming!

It seems different. No, don’t know why.

You would vote for a woman who had a child out of wedlock?

Yes. The country will be safer. But that pales in importance to impressing upon people that Trump is an idiot.

Total losers. Only $4.8 billion in sales for a pretty new company. And you and I are just killing it.

Seriously, I want to know what he say. That guy is as pious as Knight and he lived with the guy for that season on the brink. A guy who harassed that many people in such a brief time was not holding back for that entire season on the brink.

Feinstein should have to answer for how he “missed” this

Merits aside, that is not a homophobic reference.

Larger point. Who want to interview this guy when they know he might bad mouth you when it does not work out? Also, didn’t he know their situation BEFORE he interviewed?

This is a crime?

I don’t know... I would find this bad form on CNN but here? Isn’t it fair speculation in this venue?

Cf. anyone in the Tour de France.

Depends on how you define “lose”.

Bless you and your naive world view. It gives me some hope.

Human flesh makes it sound worse than it is.

He puts on his backpack and we are done here

The world is not all bleak. There is some justice in this world and I don’t think Her keeping her position is improbable based on rest of the show.

I’m not sure that is the path. And I was never indifferent towards Ramsey. He was real evil.

Great comment. He is worst most implausible character in the show.

God Bless you.