
Imagine Salem Media converting all their sites into operatives seeking to take down a Democrat ruler like Obama or Hillary. How far away would the shrieks of outrage be heard - Pluto, the next galaxy over or the far side of the Universe?

this is so true, Everyone is using trump jokes for the click bait now. even kotaku regularly does it. starting to get pretty boring imo.

Then go with racy then, still talking the same thing: should all racy material be lumped together and judged as unoriginal? Richard Pryor was racy, Eric Andre is racy. Are these comedians part of the same group as PewdiePie, or is there something that separates them?

If it makes you feel any better about your coworkers, when Gizmodo wrote about this, they also spelled Du Bois’s name wrong.

So because they escaped justice 20 years ago that suddenly erases their crime? Nonsense. The fact she prospered from her crime so long ago does not excuse her of the penalty.

But McKesson isn’t the guy who appears in all of those moments, and whoever those protestors are that you see clearly explaining what is going on either are not the ones who are showing up on public news broadcasts to engage directly with the bozos that cable news networks set up for them to debate or the fact that

Because if you don’t honestly understand the reaction to systemic and institutionalised violence against people of colour in the US, it’s not ignorance. It’s willful ignorance.

More ad hominem and incorrect assumptions? Awesome! It’s really impressive to what lengths people will go to avoid saying “Oops”.