Trump Dumper

Ted Kennedy was always sober as a judge.

Leave Bill Clinton alone!

ha ha ha

Or: It's all in your head.

Guilty until proven innocent.

What's Bill Clinton up to these days?

Goddamn fucking Electoral College. FUCK!!!

It's not the same joke. A premise is not a joke.

Max Landis, ladies and gents.

I'm glad those guys died.

I would criticize him no matter what he did. Fuck Trump!



You think I give a damn about a bitch? I ain't a sucker!



"The following takes place between 3:00 PM and 4:00 PM. Events occur in real time. You are now about to witness the strength of street knowledge."

Bailey Chase, from Longmire. (Who also plays the gay CTU field agent who broke up with the tech guy.)


It’s the usual over-the-top bad-guy scheme, made that much more uncomfortable by the fact that the premise seems tailor-made to support paranoid fears about foreigners who come to America only to destroy us from within.