The simple fact of the matter is: the five songs comprising Add Violence are far more artistic and timeless than anything a judgemental schlub like Kyle Ryan will ever do in his miserable life.
The simple fact of the matter is: the five songs comprising Add Violence are far more artistic and timeless than anything a judgemental schlub like Kyle Ryan will ever do in his miserable life.
"The fine-but-unmemorable Not The Actual Events"
Yea, I know for many, the truth hurts..
Whoa. All six of them.
How do you figure? What legacy are these armchair journalists going to leave behind with their overthinking critiques?
Wow. All six of them.
How many of them started out writing (I use that term loosely) for the AV Club, I wonder..
Babycakes? Assholery? How many different guys have you fallen in and out of love with since this argument began?
Would love to see what some of these failed-director-turned-keyboard-critics would come up with if their lives depended on them creating anything resembling art.
Fuck this smarmy little douche. He meant every word of it and his apology means dick. He's a washed-up attention monger who makes headlines for making a complete horse's ass of himself, and this is just the latest episode in the series.
The "U.S. Open Challenge" was lame when Cena did it and it's lame now. Especially when it's a title far beneath guys the caliber of Styles, Owens, Nakamura and Cena.
I need an argument to call you out for being a clueless goof who is glib to the idea of what love is? Believe me, sweetcheeks…you did all the work for me. No argument needed.
I'm about to start the sixth — and final — season of this in just a few days. It's one of the greatest television dramas I've ever seen. I can't see how The Sopranos garnered all the hype for HBO in its cable drama infancy when this show always moved so much faster and always had way more going on.
It wouldn't be so bad if your outlook on transitory love wasn't so deluded and typically millennial. You strike me as the kind of person who's never content with anyone and drives the other party up the wall.
Boy, they'll just make a movie out of anything these days, and off it sells..
God, you are insufferable. And that's just from reading your internet crap; I can't imagine what you must be like in person.
All this crabappling over what people on the internet think. Who cares?
Agreed. The reviewer was definitely being an asshole in this case. No business compartmentalizing this episode for so many others who can't form their own opinion, when it's clear that she has no grasp on the world of Twin Peaks herself.
About two lines into this asswipage called a "review", I said to myself "There's an actual paying job out there called "TV critic"?? HAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA.
Doh! North Carolina is the FIRST place runaways go, you nincompoop..