Vlad in Vladivostok

Joe Manchin does everything he can to support his states voters. Democrats from WV are not the same as Democrats from California.  WV is coal country, a huge percentage of their jobs are directly related to coal.  Many of those jobs are union jobs, the splinter folk love unions.  So, in short, Manchin is not fucking

The funniest thing is that they believe they’re on the verge of a breakthrough.

Walls have worked in Hungary and Israel. There is no reason to believe they can’t work here. Some may point out the Hungarians have a smaller boarder, which is true, but America is much bigger and richer than Hungary.

Personally I’m against The Wall because Animals is a much better album.

Their speed and efficiency is laudable to be sure. 

He has lots to teach Democrats about bailing out the rich, picking on immigrants, murdering civilians with drones, and letting the rich profit off dying people.  

Dude who expanded 3 wars to 10 should not be talking about costs.

What astounds me is the people that are truly disappointed that the POTUS wasn’t actually in cahoots with one of our greatest historical enemies. As if their own hubris supersedes our economy and any international damages that would come from the aforementioned being true. The cognitive dissonance exposed en masse

And like many religions, there were numerous failed predictions of judgement day.

You are forgetting W. In comparison to Trump, W is beloved, but before Trump, people hated W.

This is not sad. This is hilarious. Stop being so butthurt about everything that comes from the White House.  My final four is Maddow, Krugman, Colbert and Milano.  With Maddow edging out Colbert in an OT thriller. Who ya got?

He filled out a march madness bracket every year.  That was fun.

Truly, a Dark Day for #resist

Not every liberal thinks politics is a simple game of sportsball. We all lose under a dysfunctional government.

What if it did? Root out all the corruption.

To be fair they only say they’re more intelligent because they went to expensive liberal arts schools and were able to perfectly parrot their professors’ political opinions, and the professors must be super smart right? So now they must be super smart too! Boom! Instant undeserved superiority complex. The amount of

“Well, it doesn’t explicitly say he didn’t do it, so he’s probably guilty.”