Vlad in Vladivostok

What is this about? Not all gun-owning cartoonists/gamers/surfers/leisurers are drug dealers but all drug dealers are as I described.

Like what?  Deal even more drugs?  Every drug dealer I’ve every known has lived a life of lazy luxury, doing essentially nothing all day but their hobbies.  Some surfed.  Some were gamers.  A few were horrible musicians.  One was a cartoonist of obscenities.  They all did as they pleased, owned a handgun, an sold

Please tell me you actually believe this.

Ridiculous article that belittles the site. Corey Booker is a damn fine leader and the likely 2020 Democratic nominee who has the heart to take on Trump and beat him at his own game.

A+ Post

^Drug Dealer

This may have been the first Gawker article that I read from top to bottom. Please keep following this amazing story.

Undercooked chicken is dangerous. Intentionally serving someone undercooked chicken is an act of violence. Good for her.  She did the right thing in the face of certain ridicule.

I am against Donnie Drumpo’s The Wall because it won’t work. Border walls do not work. I am against wasting time and money on unnecessary policies, especially this one. It is not that illegal immigration isn’t a problem. It is. And we must address it. However, The Wall is not the way to do so. We need to get together

This one hurt.  Take it back.

said a false thing

The types that don’t need glasses, but wear them anyway. Always the thick black frames too. 

Her face is “pleasing to the eyes.” The rhythm of her name could use some tuning though. Mor-gan-Or-ta-gun. Not good.

You would need a background check for nukes.

What is it like to swallow obvious lies? NGOs coach “refugees” so that they meet the requirements for asylum. This isn’t new or surprising. It’s very well known.

Maybe.  We don’t know yet.  I believe that my original comment will happen.  I do.  And thank you, being wrong is not being hateful.  

Trump just threw DeVos under the bus on his way to Marine One.

Smart?  I thought it was funny.  In any case, I think we can agree that I was not, nor have I ever been, hateful.  Disrespectful?  Probably.  Making obvious attempts to show a lack of respect?  Yes.  That’s a yes.  But that’s not hate.  

Cauliflower ear.

Instead of “thing,” you could use the specific word that refers to what you wrote. This would probably be “reply” or “comment,” or you could get even stronger with it. For example: