Vlad in Vladivostok

“Slippery slopes are real, but not when it comes to CSGC [Common Sense Gun Control] because that’s only used as a lever.” <—- Not true

Trump isn’t white.

This is why we absolutely must see his tax returns.  Need the tax returns ASAP!


How is anything I’ve written hateful or vitriolic? I take pains to not reply in kind.

Any day now... any day now we’re going to find what we’re looking for. Any day now. We weren’t wrong, we really weren’t. We aren’t. We aren’t wrong. No, being wrong implies resolution and this is far from resolved. There’s something more to this. There’s something here. I can feel it in my bones. We just need to press

Pretending that slippery slopes aren’t real, and clearly real as they relate to 2A [and 1A for that matter], and using that as a basis on which to attempt condescension is mental impairment on your part.

The beauty of Trump, and maybe populism in general but mostly just Trump, is that if people want to keep the pre-existing conditions clause it will be kept. If not he will anger a lot of voters, myself included, and lose votes.

I’m going to assume you meant laughed with and thank you for the wonderful reply.

“Trump conspired with Russia to subvert and destroy democracy in the United States.”

Here’s what happens next, since none of you have any foresight or understanding of our present reality.

My deepest apologies.  It’s not unreasonable to assume you were being genuine.  So many on the left believe the most insane and illogical ideas.

Rates must be a foreign concept to you.

If the FBI can connect Smollett’s scheme to politicians like Kamalala Harris - who Jussie was rallying with in Florida for Time’s Up in the weeks before his hoax - or Michelle Obama - whose former Chief of Staff Tina Tchen contacted Foxx to drop the charges - it could shine some light on just how disgusting and low

Good luck.  It starts reasonable until they can’t answer and then it becomes an outburst of mental illness.

Thank you Diana.  You checked nearly all the boxes.

You: You can’t just cherry pick a couple months.

I almost brought up 1A in the original comment since it’s more of the same but didn’t want to allow too many ways to derail. It’s unbelievable how close they were to taking real chunks out of 1A through political correctness and media propaganda. Had Hillary won we’d already have Hate Speech laws and all sorts of

If you believe that CSGLs result in a better trained, similarly armed population of gun owners and not the gradual elimination of gun ownership you need to take a look in the mirror and ask yourself why you trust the people you do.