Polis and the dem legislature have been on fire lately! The red flag gun law, paid family leave, oil and gas regulations, and subverting the electoral college, all awesome stuff!
The people that say get rid of i70 in Denver are fools. It’s a major industrial corridor, and the main route to the airport. The ditch the ditch people keep saying the area is polluted, their solution? Keep the pollution there. At least CDOT wants to dig it out. And for air pollution, there’s a dog food factory that…
The real headline here, is that he’s literate.
The undertaker does need a Wrestlemania opponent.....
This whole state is run by the oil and gas industry.
This is happening way too often, and seems like a trend.
Ugh people have been saying they report is due any day now, for the last year and a half. I suspect it will come out after President Biden pardons trump, and preaches about unity or some shit.
I’ve held my nose and voted for Hickenlooper twice, just to keep neanderthals out of office. I am very happy to say I will never vote for him again (unless he wises up and runs against Gardner)
how is this faster than saving multiple canned emails?
is it a rule that once a week someone has to claim the investigation is ending?
I believe there is an episode of the animated ghostbusters, where they travel to the dimension of lost items. If memory serves me right, there were mountains of lost socks.
I believe there is an episode of the animated ghostbusters, where they travel to the dimension of lost items. If…
DPS was trying to confiscate students’ phones to prevent scenes like this from getting out.
She didn’t drain the meat. I guessing her maid makes everything for her and Dana decided to cut loose and make her own food like a commoner.
she didn’t drain the fat from the cooked meat.
Keep praying, it seems to be doing these folks a lot of good....
What the actual fuck? The NLRB is in on this?
I honestly thought this is how steak salads were. Only when I made one when I was working in a kitchen in Denver, and everyone looked at me like I was a crazy person, did I realize this was not an everywhere thing.
Ovechkin is FSB. He isn’t biting you, he’s collecting dna for his buddy putin.
well, I guess wall street needed to run someone.....