Ovechkin is being investigated by Robert Mueller
Ovechkin is being investigated by Robert Mueller
I hate ovechkin. I don’t doubt for a second he is going to use the cup for Putin’s propaganda. When trump invites him to the white house, he’s going to plant bugs, and act as a conduit for more collusion.
Ivanka Trump is a cunt
The Tom Magee Brett Hart match is one of the few matches Vince McMahon refuses to let anyone watch. Apparently Brett made him look amazing, and cause Vince to sign him. When he was put in a match without Brett Hart, he was exposed as being awful.
Ovechkin watches bond movies and cheers for the villain.
This is even more true for dispensaries, that have far more regulation.
In return for the embassy, we will get dragged into a war with Iran.
Their Star Wars parody will be better than the last Jedi
One of my wife’s relatives posted something like “If these anti gun nuts are so smart what will they do when we are invaded?” Like we gotta be ready to fight off the redcoats at any moment
Vincent Price sez fish is cool though:
It introduced complex characters, not one dimensional ones like rose. It relied less on silly and pointless cgi like the entire casino scene. The entire plot was speed 3 in space. And it used better storytelling devices than galactic facetime. It was light, cheesy, unfunny and insipid. Plus Luke died like poochie
The Last Jedi was garbage. Change my mind
I just think he really hated Todd Haley
I just got done reading the book and my thoughts are similar to yours. The first half of the book read like a self-help book and was a bit insulting. I wish he would have gone deeper in on some of the Bush stuff (racing andy card to the hospital, internal battles over encryption). He briefly mentioned the NYC FBI…
Every article about the south makes me think Sherman didn’t go far enough
Republicans are obsessed with teenagers. Look at Roy Moore.
Vince McMahon on line one
There was an article, posted yesterday, explaining how much of a hell hole West Virginia is.
Yeah but these hicks think IUD’s cause abortions.